You Were Born to Live Your Magikal Life to the Fullest!

Imagine being able to create the life that you have always desired, living a life where you embrace all possibilities, and create what your heart truly desires?

Forget what you've learned so far about manifesting!

This life-changing prosperity course will shatter your old paradigms, remove old programming, banish limiting beliefs, and release negative thoughts that have stopped you from living the life of your dreams.

You were created to:

  • Live a life filled with PURPOSE, FREEDOM, and fully expressing your CREATIVITY.
  • have everything you DESIRE.

Despite what society dictates to us, which has us dancing to another tune, the tune of lack. It's time to stop playing the old recordings and living your life imprisoned by these societal beliefs. There's way more than enough for everyone!

Your dream life awaits and all that is required is for you to arrive at the table ready to learn a comprehensive foundation to not only attracting wealth but maintaining it longterm.

Imagine Learning Proven Life Changing Prosperity Principles to Support You for the Rest of Your Life?

Create the Life of Your Dreams!

Manifest Your Heart's Desires!

Manifesting Magik with Angelina Provides that and More!

This isn’t just another program filled with regurgitated philosophies and quotes, it is TRIED and TESTED principles that I have used since the age of three (3).

At the age of three (3) ... I used to paint rocks and sell them, no one told me to do it, I came up with the idea all by
myself and had a rather successful enterprise! This is my natural state, where I manifest all that I desire, from my dream home to a piece of expensive museum art to cars and so much more!

You see, I was born gifted with this knowledge about manifesting which has led me to be very ENTREPRENEURIAL from a very early age. I have used these gifts to support not only myself and my family, but clients to flourish even in the most difficult of times. I will be sharing all of my tried and tested principles, methods and exercises to support your manifesting mastery to create the life you truly desire and have not yet been able to create as yet.

In this course, I share:

Learn the Manifesting Principles to
Create Your Best Life?

In this course, I share:

  • My strengths, weaknesses, and triumphs;
  • The Strategies I used to help others flourish in their most difficult times;
  • Goals and successes;
  • The $50 bill concept that changed my family’s life;
  • How I built businesses overnight seemingly out of thin air;
  • FAITH and TRUST and how it has led me where I am;
  • How I turned struggles into strengths and I never backed down or had a lack of faith in myself.

Just my presence alone has supported businesses to flourish by me entering an empty story with literally no business, and then when it's time for me to check out, the store is PACKED and business is suddenly BOOMING! This happens every time I walk into a business. Any business I place my support in flourishes whether they credit it back to me or not. I know that I was born with this gift.

The knowing before I would even have my first day of business that my business would be a success. Having no idea or structure and literally flying by the seat of my pants and all I had was TRUST.

Having blind faith that everything would work out no matter how the circumstances looked on the outside, I always know that will work out by just trusting the process with zero concrete evidence that it would be a success and just doing it anyway, even when I had negative bank account balances. Never listening to naysayers even when I was little, knowing that all was exactly the way it was meant to be.

Looking at all the signs and following them and remembering that when I stay on my path, I am led exactly where I am supposed to be. Watching for synchronicity and keeping my vibrations high no matter what. Aligning myself with others who have similar attitudes but not necessarily the same philosophies.

Who am I to Guide You on this Journey?

Hi, I'm Angelina Elliott, The Magikal Mermaid!

I have spent a lifetime studying and mastering the concepts of prosperity in all of its forms. I have taught workshops on attracting as well as keeping your mate, creating the perfect business, attracting wealth, and am the mastermind behind creating more youth, beauty, and vitality, which strives to teach individuals how to recreate themselves.

For all of my adult life, I have implemented the concepts taught in this course in well-known spas that I have worked at, as a clinical, medical, and paramedical aesthetician that resulted in multiple experiments where those who participated, were awarded with more clientele, as well as many other wonderful benefits. Not only did the experiments work for others, my concepts proved successful for myself as well. I have brought these concepts to store owners, who saw their businesses start to flourish once they too implemented these concepts.

I have studied every aspect of manifesting most of my life and continue to bring in new concepts as well as integrate this knowledge into my teachings. My ability to teach in a practical and easy to understand format allows my students to stay focused and not get distracted, disheartened, or intimidated by unnecessary details or random pitfalls that can derail, delay, confuse,  and prolong the process, confusing the students, preventing them from achieving and maintaining their goals.

I have mastered the concepts I teach and have dedicated my life to making manifesting effortless and easier than ever before. My goal is to get you manifesting with 100% success and I know through my expertise and experience how to get you there. 

Are You Ready to Experience the Magik?

I have found that my clients and students desire luxurious homes, top of the line car, millions in the bank account, and so much more! Although I have some of those desires myself, my deep daily desires are:

  • To attract LIMITLESS & soulful Prosperity
  • To be free to create because I have all the time in the world
  • To help create and promote a beautiful and  prosperous world
  • To help create and promote a healthy planet
  • To help foster open and honest communication
  • To help others learn to spread more joy and find and connect with their own joy in the process.
  • To help others embody the attitude of gratitude
  • To help others know that the magic is in the simplicity of exploring what we don’t know and have them be willing to do so from a place of child like wonder

So, what are your true desires?

What do you want to manifest into your life?

Follow me on my continued journey as I grab the gold and take you right along with me.


“I am grateful for my success, and I believe that I can use my experience to guide and motivate others to pursue their own goals and live their best life.”

– Angelina Elliott, The Magikal Mermaid

How is it delivered?

Your entire experience is online, including access to 52 weeks of training which is released weekly. You also have access of our very active community on Facebook where you are surrounded by like minded individuals to give and gain support to each other plus share experiences of your insights, wins and even those challenges that we all experience. This is a truly supportive community.

Your host Angelina actively shares of her wisdom and expertise through frequent live videos. The experience is broken down into modules which each has a number of lessons. You also have the opportunity to ask your questions during the weekly Q&A threads in the group. Full participation is required as it helps you assimilate all you've learned during each week.

When you sign up today, you have immediate access to the content. You don't have to wait to get your hands on all the secrets inside.

Who is this experience for?

This experience is designed for you if you are an open-minded soul, whether you are a man, woman, or child, who is ready to unlearn all that they were previously taught about manifestation. If you are ready to radically change your life where you have failed again and again and truly wants to manifest the life you always envisioned, rather than the life that society told you you should have.

Are you ready?

In this course, you will learn:

Module 1

Beliefs Around Money

    • Mapping Out The Dream
Creating The Life You Want

Module 2


    • The Box
    • Gratitude Is The Best Medicine
    • This or Something Better

Module 3

Money Blocks

    • Forgiveness

Module 4

    Financial Wellness
    • Clean Up Your Clutter
    • Creating the Mindset of a Billionaire

Module 5

IM Possible

    • Fantasy Writing
    Vision Boards

Module 6

Feng Shui Secrets

    • Wishes Fulfilled
    Visualize Into Being

Module 7

    • The Letter of Intent
    • The Contract
    • The Gratitude Letter
    • Repetitive Action

Module 8

    • Freedom of Expression
    • Being Flexible
    • Long Term Prosperity

Module 9

    • Freedom of Expression
    • Being Flexible
    • Long Term Prosperity

Module 10

    • Holding Space
    • Get Grounded
    • Creating Conscious Dialogue

Module 11

    • Creation Through Intention
    • Symbolic Images and more
    • Happiness is a Choice

Module 12

    • Essential Oils and their Magikal Properties
    • Your Chakras and Why Do They Even Matter?
    • Bill Harmony, Manifesting More Wealth

Module 13

    • The Abundance  Box
    • The Vision Board Expanded
    • The Highest Good

You Already Know the Immense Value You are Receiving, So Sign Up NOW Below!

"Working with Angelina is amazing. Not only is she a fountain of knowledge she is the most generous, giving, gracious mentor and teacher. She always over delivers!!! Every single time I do a course, purchase a reading or even simply converse with her I am absolutely blown away and my life is transformed as I become a better version of myself."

Chizelle Salter

What are You Waiting For?

Experience Investment

If you could have access to new out of the box teachings  that remove blocks, kick belief patterns and lack to the curb, and completely changes your mindset about money and more and gives you the foundation to not only attract wealth and keep it longterm, helps you break free off the gains that keep you imprisoned away from your dreams and does it in a well laid out, practical one year program, would you want that? If so, I have an amazing deal for you!

A program like this would usually have an investment in excess of 
$5,000 which is the value of this program, however I want to share my gifts with as many of you as possible and have therefore decided to offer a huge saving of not NOT $2999, NOT $2555 BUT A HUGE SAVINGS OF THOUSANDS OFF, AT ONLY $2,222! Wow! 

That's $6.10 a day for your usual coffee at your fave coffee shop. Are you ready to swap your priorities and manifest even more?

Trust me what you are getting in this program is worth so much more and is unlike anything you’ve seen anywhere else. 

Why such a huge saving?

I am offering this program online for the first time after its proven success with one on one clients and I want you to receive the value. So, for a limited time, I will be sharing a special launch offer and you can sign up today for an investment of $2,222.

One Off Payment

$2222 USD

Join Now